Monday 21 November 2016

11 thoughts we all have half way to pay day

As we are now over half way to pay day, that hole in our bank accounts has reared its ugly head again so I bet you can relate to these 11 thoughts. Also applicable those who are waiting those agonising months for the next student loan to drop.

ONE: *Checks bank account* How on earth is this even possible, I haven’t spent anything this month

TWO: Well, there was that shopping trip the other day, but I needed everything I bought especially the new lipstick

THREE: Maybe I should sit here and work out a budget to survive the rest of the month

FOUR: Crap, its November, do you think my mum will mind only getting soap this year for Christmas?

FIVE: Oh and I have that drinks catch up with my friends next week, soda and lime it is then 

SIX: And my phone bill comes out at the end of the month, why do I forget this every month?

SEVEN: Scribbles a bunch of numbers down and types them into a calculator

EIGHT: So, if I live off of £2 a day, I will not have to go into my overdraft this month

NINE: Frantically googles “how much are my 3 year old textbooks worth?”

TEN: After all this maths and stress I deserve a £3 specialty Christmas drink from Starbucks

ELEVEN: How do I end up doing this EVERY month? Next month will be different I promise!

Hang in there guys, we are almost there!


  1. This is literally me right now haha! The struggle of getting through the whole month, and justifying the first three days after paydays excessive splurging. I feel you!

